
Pitest is a mutation testing product written by Henry Coles. It essentially mutates your code to see how many mutations are caught by your unit tests. It’s a great tool for analysing the robustness of unit tests.

The Problem

I have an open source product that I’m working on, an emulator called EmuRox. I created it as a larger product I could test technologies and approaches out on. I’ve been running Pitest on it for a while to improve my pretty comprehensive tests. The problem is that no one that I’ve found has created a Pitest CI integration, let alone one that provides a GitHub shield and I want one.

What was required?

I needed a very small application server and something I could write small web scripts pretty quickly in. After some R&D I decided to go with Python and a free app server called Python Anywhere. I needed my Travis CI hooked build to include a Pitest report then send it to my new Pitest CI, which means my CI needs endpoints

Lastly, I needed the actual GitHub shield attached to my project.

### The CI

This is a pretty menial task in Python. Create some endpoints with the web library, contact shield.io for a shield image and return it. As I developed this fast, it initially has a few limitations:-

Since I’m initially using the free tier of Python Anywhere, that also imposes certain restraints:-

But all in all, it works. I can:-

### The Hook

I use Travis CI to do my build, this uses a yml file to do pre and post build actions. I can just add a pitest command to my after_success block in there and a curl post to my Pitest CI endpoint containing the pitest XML in order to load the most recent run.

 - ./gradlew check jacocoTestReport pitest
 - bash <(curl -X POST -d @build/reports/pitest/mutations.xml http://myPitestCI/report)

### The Display

Then it’s just a case of calling the /shield endpoint in the README.md of my project to get a nice, proxied GitHub shield containing summerized Pitest data, as you can see below.

Mutation Coverage by Pitest